Choco Vanilla Pony Contest
Starts: 2024:04:01 00:00:00
Ends : 2024:05:01 06:00:00
What you name the adorable Choco Vanilla Pony? Enter your answer along with your Webkinz World username and your email address between now and 11:59pm April 30 and you’ll be entered into a random draw for a virtual Choco Vanilla Pony that you can adopt on Webkinz Classic!

id name it tiramisu!
OH MY GOSH, that is the name I chose!! It looks like Tiramisu
I’d name it Marble, just like my beloved childhood “Marble Cheesecake” that is a mixture of vanilla-chocolate cheesecake.
Aurora Pinto Bailey
Good luck ya’ll!
I would name him creampie
fingers crossed!!! good luck everyone!!!
S’mores is what I would name it