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Colorblock Kitty Contest

Starts: 2024:06:01 00:00:00

Ends : 2024:07:01 06:00:00

What you name the adorable Colorblock Kitty?  Enter your answer along with your Webkinz World username and your email address between now and 11:59pm June 30 and you’ll be entered into a random draw for a virtual Colorblock Kitty that you can adopt on Webkinz Classic!


60 Responses to Colorblock Kitty Contest

  1. kttttttvb says:

    I would call the kitty Stitches after the Animal Crossing bear as I feel they look kind of similar!

  2. shiningsun04 says:

    I would call her Dottie because of the polka dots in the patchwork and it was a name of a real pet :)

  3. VB_Jeebies72 says:

    I’d call her Jennyanydots (:

  4. pitbullterriers says:

    I think Patchouli is very fitting and cute (:

  5. alltimelcw says:

    I would name it ella, my username is alltimelcw!

  6. dixiecup says:

    I would name them Cait Sidhe, though a spectral cat should be black with white spots on it’s chest, spectral can also mean rainbow colors. so, Cait Sidhe they will be.

  7. Lindsay Colflesh says:

    I would name it Jellybean

  8. Alexsabol says:

    she is sooo cute

  9. LdyRBud says:

    Patches SouthPaw

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