Colorblock Kitty Contest
Starts: 2024:06:01 00:00:00
Ends : 2024:07:01 06:00:00
What you name the adorable Colorblock Kitty? Enter your answer along with your Webkinz World username and your email address between now and 11:59pm June 30 and you’ll be entered into a random draw for a virtual Colorblock Kitty that you can adopt on Webkinz Classic!

I would name her Bedspread
Quilt, my username is seakid
I would name her Jellybean, my user is Track914
i’d probably name her Quilt or Backstitch! tooth is my webkinz user B)
I would name her pacehtes
Little confused. Do we actually need to leave our user name and email address when we enter. You should have these.
When the authentication system changed for Webkinz Newz, it stopped showing this information.
I would name her Doodle, my username is pumpkinspicy , also thank you for the opportunity!
Stitches! She reminds me of Stitches from Animal Crossing
I would name her kayla or kylie since shes a kitty
I would name her Crayon! My username is Bellasing