Donkey Piñata Room Design Contest
Starts: 2016:06:01 00:00:00
Ends : 2016:07:01 06:00:00
Open to Webkinz World players residing in the USA and Canada (some exceptions apply)
The Donkey Piñata is July’s Pet of the Month and loves to party! Send us your designs for the Donkey Piñata’s outrageous party room for a chance to win 1 of 5 Secret Codes for a virtual Donkey Piñata! No restrictions on items or room size.
Limit of one entry per GanzWorld account. Entries will be judged on creativity and originality. Contest closes on June 30th, 11:59pm EST.

I’m entering this contest. If any of you have furniture you don’t want send it to me. I’m radishbird3! I need to win it!
Can two of my pets be in the picture?
Okay so first BEFORE I enter can anypony tell me if the submit images works for this contest?
I entered! Can’t wait to see the results!
Hi guys! Its rgarr5. I just wanted to ask for a good name for my webkinz that i just ordered! It is a webkinz signature Pomeranian, with no code. : ) I think I’m going to name her (yes its a girl) Dakota, but I’m not sure. please respond ! XD
I like the name Dakota. I’ve thought about naming some of my pets Dakota, but none fit the name. I think the Pomeranian fits, though.
Hey! I went to South Dakota too! Can’t wait to see mount rushmore!
Just entered… I hope I win! I’ve never won a contest
Hmmm!? Wait, We have to find floaty donkey faces!?
I sure hope I win! I have never won ANYTHING before!
Good luck to you, IDoNotHateTheee.
Why am I having so much trouble,,, I find the donkey 5 times, 4 is fine and the 5th time I get this campaign has expired… Please help
Is it against the rules to enter if you already have a donkey piñata?
i dont think so
Of course not
I’m so excited for this room design and I love the donkey! :)