Enchanted Giraffe Contest
Starts: 2024:05:01 00:00:00
Ends : 2024:06:01 06:00:00
What you name the adorable Enchanted Giraffe? Enter your answer along with your Webkinz World username and your email address between now and 11:59pm May 31 and you’ll be entered into a random draw for a virtual Enchanted Giraffe that you can adopt on Webkinz Classic!

I’d name them Debs! -ebhugs
My username is pushleen and I think Aurora would be a perfect name!
My user is ssmit369 and I would name her Acacia after the trees they eat from!
User is dashieandma, could name them Freesia
My username is anneadorable223 and I would name her Rosa. She is so adorable and my two favorite colors as well.
My user is eesleepy, and I would name her Pinkie!
Amy, after my mom who is obsessed with giraffes
my username is Amorena, I would name her Eurydice :)
My username is lilbugxo and I want to name her Pea !
My sister has a pug named Princess Pea