Fleecy Sheep Contest
Starts: 2013:03:01 00:00:00
Ends : 2013:03:31 23:59:59
Open to Webkinz World players residing in the USA and Canada (some exceptions apply).
Spring is almost here! What are you looking forward to this spring? Tell us your top 10 and you could win April’s Pet of the Month pet, a virtual Fleecy Sheep (the “Prize”), in time for April!

It I got the sheep I would name he/she Shaun from Shaun The Sheep
i just entered. i think i’d name her lilly ***horse121****
my top ten things i am looking forward to are: 1. my birthday 2. Easter 3. the snow melting 4. flowers blooming 5. the days getting longer 6. spring break 7. my favorite television show starting 8. birds chirping 9. temp change 10. spring
i is soooooooooo cute i hope i win the contest because i am not a full memeber
When do we find out if we win? I’m sooooo excited!!! :) i shall name her… fluffy pants. :p
I already entered and im sure im going to win. >:)
if i win, i will name her Wooly!!
I’m so excited! when do we find out if we won?
On the 1st.
I have real sheep but the webkinz sheep is so much cuter!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
If I won I would name her cuddles (cute right?) your friend Magicala