Ginger Bunny Contest
Starts: 2024:02:01 00:00:00
Ends : 2024:03:01 06:00:00
What you name the adorable Ginger Bunny? Enter your answer along with your Webkinz World username and your email address between now and 11:59pm February 29 and you’ll be entered into a random draw for a virtual Ginger Bunny!

Definitely Ginger
Ginger Buns
His name will be Peanutbutter
I would name her Hopalong Spice
I would name her Hopping Spice.
hey! were friends in webkinz! how cool is that!
I like the name spice.
Would name her Penvellyn
Her name will be Ginger.
I forgot to add my email, will I still be entered if I’m logged in?