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Ginger Bunny Contest

Starts: 2024:02:01 00:00:00

Ends : 2024:03:01 06:00:00

What you name the adorable Ginger Bunny?  Enter your answer along with your Webkinz World username and your email address between now and 11:59pm February 29 and you’ll be entered into a random draw for a virtual Ginger Bunny!


74 Responses to Ginger Bunny Contest

  1. sacramentopook says:

    Pfefferkuchenhase or Gingerbread Bunny (in German-my Da’s native language)!

    • sacramentopook says:

      Apologies, I meant to say “Pepper Cake Bunny,” of which the “Pfefferkuchen” stands for the “pepper cake” that is equivalent to “gingerbread” in German.

  2. moomie414 says:

    I’m thinking Nutmeg, Cinnamon, or Peanut! Nutmeg is my #1 choice.

  3. oohitsashleigh says:

    Genevieve! :)

  4. mayitbemercury says:

    Chestnut for sure!!

  5. kathleen792 says:

    Chamomile <3

  6. loveair17 says:

    Chester from Manchester

  7. tikibu says:

    I would love to name a Ginger Bunny pet Cookie!! I love ginger bread cookies and this bunny is soooo cute!! Its perfect.

  8. fairyfields says:

    cadbury after the chocolate eggs!!

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