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Holiday Room Theme Design

Starts: 2024:07:01 00:00:00

Ends : 2024:07:31 23:59:59

Christmas in July is coming up at Ganz eStore and from July 1 to 31, 2024, we’re celebrating with a very special Holiday Theme Design contest in the Share Center!


This year we are selecting TWO new holiday themes – one in Webkinz Classic and one in Webkinz Next! The two winning themes will be sold in their respective WShops for KinzCash this December!

For more information, refer to this article:



8 Responses to Holiday Room Theme Design

  1. daniela9514 says:

    Also can more than one theme by the same person be picked as finalists?

  2. daniela9514 says:

    If my design doesn’t get picked this year, can it be reentered again next year?

  3. goodnight12 says:

    Veterans Day theme wold be great

  4. mrcaron6 says:

    I would love something completely new for Christmas

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