Jolly Holiday Puppy Contest
Starts: 2023:11:01 00:00:00
Ends : 2023:12:01 06:00:00
Open to Webkinz World players residing in the USA and Canada (some exceptions apply).
It’s time to count down to Christmas! Tell us your top 10 stocking stuffers to enter into a draw to win one of five virtual Jolly Holiday Puppy adoption codes (the Prize).
Limit of one entry per Webkinz Newz account.
Please use the contest entry form – do not leave the answers in the comments.
Note: Contest closes at 11:59 PM EST on November 30, 2023.

i am soooooo excited!!!! This is my first contest :) good luck everyone!
Good luck to everyone, and thank you Webkinz for hosting this!!
This is the first contest I’ve entered into on Webkinz! Thanks, Webkinz for the opportunity and good luck to everybody. Happy Holidays!
Way to go! Best of luck!
Thank you for doing this! So cool!
good luck to everyone!
this is the 3rd month i entered contest with the correct sums to the math problems and was told i answered them wrong please FIX this issue already!!!
What sum do you believe to be correct?
The answer to the math problem this month is not 78.
Hi @mtfw6. May I suggest that if you have a calculator available, you might wish to check your math before entering the answer here on WKN. I always do the math problem in my head, but then check (sometimes double check!) with a calculator before entering it in the contest. This particular problem has a negative number for an answer at one point before the end, so it may be a little trickier this month. Sally Webkinz, if a player gets the math problem incorrect, does that mean that they are no longer able to enter the contest for that month? Does every player get the same math problem for the same contest? mtfw6, I wish you the best of luck, and may your math problems be quickly resolved!
It’s the same math question for everyone. Contest entry requires the correct answering of the math question, so you can’t submit again if you get it incorrect the first time.
my suggestion is to use the online calculator BEDMAS – you have to solve it using the order of operations.
Oh, it’s a Jolly Holiday with Mary! Mary makes your heart so light! When the day is gray and ordinary, Mary makes the sun shine bright! Needless to say, if I win this pup, I will name it either Mary or Bert, after the famous Jolly Holiday- lol (:
I love this contest. Who wouldn’t love to win this adorable pet?
Is there a good way to see what email is associated with our Webkinz News account? I log in with my Webkinz account.
You can probably contact to see what email is associated to your account.
Thanks Sally! I’ll do just that :)
I know Webkinz Contest is Fun And all But i feel like it the same contest after contest year after year is there going to be new contest?
Most of our other contests are run as Share Center contests. We had a bunch of them earlier this year
Can we just enjoy the fact webkinz is so kind to give anything away at all?