Jolly Jubilee Reindeer
Starts: 2015:10:23 00:00:00
Ends : 2015:10:25 23:59:59
Open to Webkinz World players residing in the USA and Canada (some exceptions apply).
The Jolly Jubilee Reindeer is a happy little lass, but her decorating designs are something of a disaster! Tell us a story of how the Jolly Jubilee Reindeer did a less than stellar job of redecorating and you could win one of 5 eStore exclusive Jolly Jubilee Reindeer Secret Codes!
Entries accepted from Friday, October 23 at 12:00 am EST until Sunday, October 25, 11:59 pm EST.
Stay tuned to Webkinz Newz to learn how you can get your very own Jolly Jubilee Reindeer!

its not showing the contest anymore now i cant enter my entry, please help me im looking forward to winning this pet dearly!! please sally
I just entered! This is the first story contest for Webkinz I’ve entered!
Does it have to be 1000 characters or is that the limit?
That is the limit. It can be less.
I hope I win.
Super excited! I just entered even though I probably don’t even have a chance of winning it’s nice to enter! Good luck to everyone that entered!
I hope I’ll win! :)