Knit Sock Monkey Room Design Contest
Starts: 2016:03:01 00:00:00
Ends : 2016:04:01 06:00:00
Open to Webkinz World players residing in the USA and Canada (some exceptions apply)
The Knit Sock Monkey is April’s Pet of the Month and this critter sure is crafty. Design the perfect craft room, which contains at least one copy of the “Best of Fun Stuff Craft Book” (available in the W Shop under Books in Fun Stuff) for a chance to win 1 of 5 Secret Codes for a virtual Knit Sock Monkey!
Limit of one entry per GanzWorld account. Entries will be judged on creativity and originality. Contest closes onĀ March 31st, 11:59pm EST.

Good luck to all who entered! We’ll know the winners soon.
Loves it <3
Dear Sally Webkinz: Thank you for all you do. I have received bronze, silver and gold coin gift boxes in my Webkinz account. I am unable to cash them in at the W Shop. Is there another way to cash them in?
You have to open the gift boxes first by dragging them into your room. Then you can sell the coins that you receive from inside the gift box
Thank you so very much, Sally Webkinz. I never would have figured that out! Thank you very much!
This is my first contest! I’m very excited. Also, when will the results be posted? Thanks, Fleecy.
Some time after it closes ;)
Wow, first time I’ve entered this type of contest. Excited to see how it turns out.
This is my first time entering a contest where you import a screenshot and i have a slight issue.. I have resized the screenshot down under 200k but it keeps saying it is too big when i try to enter. I took the screenshot with on mac and used the mac photo tools to adjust the size; The size i put it at is 320p x 237p which is at 168kb.
Figured it out! Hahaha.. Please ignore my comment! My extension was a .png just had to change it to a .jpg
I REALLY hope I win!!!
Me too!!! XD
I think I had entered successfully by sending my room pic on my office word server by link. So, when are the results Sally? The fifth of April or somethin?