Knit Sock Monkey Room Design Contest
Starts: 2016:03:01 00:00:00
Ends : 2016:04:01 06:00:00
Open to Webkinz World players residing in the USA and Canada (some exceptions apply)
The Knit Sock Monkey is April’s Pet of the Month and this critter sure is crafty. Design the perfect craft room, which contains at least one copy of the “Best of Fun Stuff Craft Book” (available in the W Shop under Books in Fun Stuff) for a chance to win 1 of 5 Secret Codes for a virtual Knit Sock Monkey!
Limit of one entry per GanzWorld account. Entries will be judged on creativity and originality. Contest closes onĀ March 31st, 11:59pm EST.

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Sally, I don’t have a camera to take pictures of my rooms on the computer. Can I do them on the app instead?
You don’t need a camera — just hit ALT and PRINT SCREEN on your keyboard and paste into Paint.
is print screen PrtSc?
Yup, that’s how it is on some keyboards.
I didn’t get the chance to rename my picture. When you guys see it, I would have called it Cheerful Craftroom :)
I entered! yay!
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Entered! Super excited about this one :)
i love designing new rooms! it totally blows my kinzcash though.
Do we do this as a room desing in our own webkinz house or drawing a room template on paper?
Room design in your Webkinz World account.
Are there any restrictions on the items we can use in our room? (just wshop, or anything)
what are the contest rules?
The full legalese is linked to the contest. Are you looking for some something specific?
great I cant wait :)
Hi winterhope4224:) I looooooooove your user name!!!!:) does winterhope stand for the two dolphins in Florida? I love winter and hope soooooooo much and as you can see, I am a dolphin lover;)