Labradoodle Contest
Starts: 2015:09:01 00:00:00
Ends : 2015:09:30 23:59:59
Open to Webkinz World players residing in the USA and Canada (some exceptions apply).
Tell us your top 10 School Activities and you could win October’s Pet of the Month pet, a virtual Labradoodle (the “Prize”), in time for October!

This is so cute! I have been on Webkinz for 8 years so I really hope I win!
I hope i get him! soooo cute! Great job for who gets the puppy.
how do you enter?
How do you enter?
Head to the Contests page and click the link, or you can just use this one: Labradoodle Contest
Good luck, guys!
I Already Entered!
I used to play when I was seven, I am fifteen now. I started playing it again! It definitely has changed. Well, Good Luck Everyone!
Good Luck To Every One!
I love entering contests I never won although it is still really fun to enter!Some day I hope I win even if I don’t I’m just having some fun! :-D :-) XD ps. some one please add me on webkinz user name javahun2014 ok?
I sign up every month but never have won. Those who win are lucky there could be millions doing this! So excited….GOOD LUCK TO EVERYONE!!!!!!!:-)