Lil Blue Spring Bunny Contest
Starts: 2016:02:26 00:11:20
Ends : 2016:03:01 06:00:00
Open to Webkinz World players residing in the USA and Canada (some exceptions apply).
Tell us your top 10 springtime activities and you could win an eStore exclusive Lil Blue Spring Bunny (the “Prize”)! Contest closes at Midnight EST on February 29, 2016.

Have I successfully entered the contest?
Good Luck to everyone! These Lil’ Bunnies are wayyyyy too adorable to stay at the eStore! I think I’m love!!! THEY’RE SO CUTEEEE
Hi Sally how come on the top of the contest page it says this contest ends 3/1 and on the bottom when you click on the contest in says ends 2/29?
The server time is different so I have to set it to end 6 hours later than it is supposed to so people can still enter.
Thanks for the help:)
I hope i win! :) i never won any contest before!! :) good luck to everyone!!!! :D
OMG these little bunnies are so cute!!! I hope I win one. Good luck to everyone!
I have a question! Are these ” Lil Bunnies” Lil kinz? I’m sorry if its obvious. I’m just confused
Yes, they are :)
Thank you Sally! I was really confused…. Best of luck to everyone. Since St.Patricks day is coming up , Everyone is lucky! :D
I wish everyone could win:) Good luck to everyone!! i hope that there is another contest for the orange bunny! i wonder what marches pet of the month is:) i hope that there is a contest for it:)~Dolphinlover55
So adorable!! Thanks for the contest!
I entered! I hope i win and i wish the best of luck to everyone! I only have won 1 contest and it was the Pink Dalmatian one so… my fingers are crossed!!
Such a cute little bunny! Good luck everyone!!
I DID IT! Yes. I did. XD
I entered as well! *does a victory dance* Good luck everyone! And a special ‘good luck’ to you Fennec and emi :)
Good luck Fennec, emi and Taffy!! by the way thank you for helping me get my 10 year W cat Taffy!!
Cool! This lil bunny is so cute! :D I hope I’m able to win since I’ve never won a contest on here before, but that doesn’t stop me from wishing everyone else entering good luck :)
GOOD LUCK EVERY ONE!!!!!!!! :) :)
I entered the little bunny contest. i hope i win. Good luck to everyone else.
Good luck to everyone!!! :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D I have never won a contest before but that is because i didn’t get this ganz account until not to long ago but i would always be on webkinz newz before i got this account:) i love reading everyones comments! Good luck again!!!!!!!!~Dolphinlover55