Lil Orange Spring Bunny Room Design Contest
Starts: 2016:03:04 00:00:00
Ends : 2016:03:17 06:00:00
Open to Webkinz World players residing in the USA and Canada (some exceptions apply)
This cute little bunny is looking for the perfect spring room to celebrate the season! Enter your spring room for a chance to win 1 of 5 Secret Codes for an eStore exclusive Lil Orange Spring Bunny! No restrictions on type of room, item, clothing, pet — anything goes!
Limit of one entry per GanzWorld account. Entries will be judged on creativity and originality. Contest closes onĀ March 16th, 11:59pm EST.

Have I successfully entered?
Hope I win. I just love these bunnies. So ultra cute. Sent my entry in. (:
The Lil Bunnies are adorable!
But I fail to think…..but I was not able to name it!
Just sent my one in!
I would love this bunny<33 It's adorable!!!! I just submitted my room, but my computer was wacky. Is there any way you can tell if my submission actually sent through? (:
Just entered! Good luck everyone! I would love to win this for my friend <3
Thank you @tweetsjo702. I hope we both win one. <3
How do you screenshot the picture of your room?
you press SHIFT, command (command is next to the SPACE bar) and 4 at the same time. Then you press the SPACE bar and a little camera will come up. Once you press it, it will end up on your desktop:) that is the screen of your computer, the part you find all your applications on:) when you look for it to enter, if you have a mac computer it ends up in finder desktop:) i hope i helped you!:) ~Dolphinlover55
Thank you so so much Dolphinlover55!!!! Good luck to you! (:
I am still needing help on how to screenshot. I have a Toshiba version 8 laptop and have looked on how to screenshot, but that hasn’t worked or helped.
You’ll need to hit ALT and PRINT SCREEN on your keyboard, then paste into Paint. Then, save it as a JPG or GIF.
Thank you Sally Webkinz!
im going to make it cute and sweet.
Cool! I’d love to win this bunny… But hey… That won’t stop me from wishing good luck to everyone entering! :) Heheh… Let’s hope the Sharecenter actually works this time…. The last few times… After I’d log into the Sharecenter, the “submit” icon disappeared from all of the active contests, so I wasn’t able to submit anything. I hope it’s not like that this time…….
Sorry! I just checked and I saw that this is not a contest where entries have to be submitted through the Sharecenter! So again, sorry about that!
if you look it says submit images on the side on top of the place where it says my share center.:) if you don’t find it there then you can look next to the area that has all of the galleries and it says view gallery:) if you do not see that then probably something is wrong:O
Thanks for the tips, DolphinLover ;) I’ll go try that and hopefully it’ll work :) thanks again!
oh and if you want to enter you don’t have to enter in the share center, you just press enter contest and enter your photo. :) you just have to find it after you screenshot it:) i think that it just puts it in the share center if you win the contest but you do not have to enter through the share center or press share or anything:) up at the top it says Enter here in purple letters:) just press that:)
oh never mind about what i said:O just ignore it:) you already new that you don’t have to enter by the share center:) i read your second comment late so i thought you still hadn’t realized that it was not a share center contest:)
It’s okay, DolphinLover55! Happens all the time to me. I’m just glad you were able to help :)
This is so cool…can’t wait to get decorating