Lil Purple Spring Bunny Contest
Starts: 2016:02:15 00:00:00
Ends : 2016:02:19 06:00:00
Open to Webkinz World players residing in the USA and Canada (some exceptions apply).
Tell us your top 10 spring cleaning tips and you could win an eStore exclusive Lil Purple Spring Bunny (the “Prize”)! Contest closes at Midnight EST on February 18, 2016.

Iam not realy a huge fan of purple but this bunny is super cute and iam in dire need of kinzcash in webkinz world lol Iam broke and i wonder what special items comes with this pet when u adopt it. good luck everyone. :D
I entered! I’m super excited :)
I hope that I win! The bunny is SO cute!!! Good luck, everyone!
Sally Webkinz Lil Purple Spring Bunny Contest when does the Contest Close? Contest closes at Midnight EST on February 18, 2016 or it Ends February 19, 2016 @ 06:00 am. The description has 2 different times it closes. I would like to enter before it closes. :-)
There’s an issue with the server time, so to make sure you can enter until midnight on February 18, I have to set it to 6am on February 19th. It won’t be available after midnight on the 18th :)
Thanks so much Sally. :-)
These bunnies are adorable , so hope I win one. Thanks Ganz for the chance.
Eager and waiting for this contest to call it’s winner :D keeping my fingers crossed super tight! Also excited to see some helpful spring cleaning tips…since it is right around the corner ;) I’m going to be a busy-bee around the house! AHHH
I entered!!! Good luck everybody!!!! I really want this sweet little bunny!!!!
I put my ideas in, but got the math questions wrong and now it won’t let me enter. Help please!
Unfortunately, you cannot enter again if you did not get the skill testing question correct.
sooooo cute!
Precious Purple Spring Bunny! It’s now my new favourite bunny roaming Webkinz World!! :)