Lil Purple Spring Bunny Contest
Starts: 2016:02:15 00:00:00
Ends : 2016:02:19 06:00:00
Open to Webkinz World players residing in the USA and Canada (some exceptions apply).
Tell us your top 10 spring cleaning tips and you could win an eStore exclusive Lil Purple Spring Bunny (the “Prize”)! Contest closes at Midnight EST on February 18, 2016.

Yay for this contest! The Lil’ Bunnies are SUPER CUTE (I’m dying of cuteness over here!), and, lucky for me, this one is purple, my FAVORITE COLOR! Awesome job and HUGE thank you, Ganz!
I submitted my Contest Form!! Super excited even though I probably won’t win :(
I entered hope I win I never win anything good Luck everyone
Purple is my favorite color! :) ~sighs