Love Giraffe Contest
Starts: 2018:12:01 00:00:00
Ends : 2018:12:31 23:59:59
Open to Webkinz World players residing in the USA and Canada (some exceptions apply).
The Love Giraffe is one of the friendliest pets around and loves to welcome new friends. Tell us your top 10 favorite ways to make people feel welcome to enter into a draw to win one of five virtual Love Giraffe adoption codes (the Prize).
Limit of one entry per Webkinz Newz account.
Please use the contest entry form – do not leave the answers in the comments.
Note: Contest closes at 11:59 PM EST on December 31st, 2018.

I hope I win I only have one Webkinz
this giraffe is so cute !! :0 good luck to everyone !
I don’t understand how to enter
click on the contest entry form that is underlined above, then enter your top ten favorite ways to make people feel welcome in the ten blanks. After that you need enter in the answer to the math problem they give you, checkmark the box that says do you agree to the rules and regulations etc. and press submit
Super cute in need of a new webkinz
I hope I can win one. I have over 5 webkinz and one more won’t hurt.
I love the opportunities Webkinz gives us to win free pets. One of these days I know I will win a contest. I will always love this game!!!! Thank you Webkinz, always!!!!! :)
I’m very excited, I only have two currently. I hope I can win to add to my collection, because I have decided to get into the game after not playing for a long time. :)