Majestic Tiger Contest
Starts: 2013:04:01 12:00:00
Ends : 2013:04:30 23:59:59
Open to Webkinz World players residing in the USA and Canada (some exceptions apply).
April showers bring May flowers! Tell us your top 10 favorite flowers and you could win May’s Pet of the Month pet, a virtual Majestic Tiger (the “Prize”), in time for May!

I can’t wait to see the results of the contest!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) :) :) :)
I REALLY REALLY hope I win. I wonder what they’re judging off of anyways.
I REALLLY HOPE I WIN BECAUSE I ONLY have one webkinz doll its a grey cat and i like the color orange and can someone friend me because i have no friends pleaswe my name is cristy756
My top ten most favorite flowers are 1. Violets, because their colors show very well in the summer, 2. Roses, because they smell very nice and are good gifts, 3. Knapweeds, because they are very unique and colorful, 4. Iris, because they have many different types with different colors, 5. Mimosa, because they are, to me, like small sunflowers without the brown area in the center, 6, Pussy Willows, because they are very soft, 7, Lilacs, because they are uniquely shaped and smell nicely, 8, Lavender, because they smell beautifully and can be used for many things, 9, Myrtle, because the pink in the flowers looks really nice with the green of the stem, and 10, Snake Plant, because the checkered design and the way the flower droops down naturally is really cool.
i am so excited!!!!!! I just entered yestarday and my favorite……..well my top 3 favorite flowers are indian paint brush, mexican hat and indian blanket. I really hope i win i already know what I will name it but I am not going to tell you cause I do not won’t ya’ll to copy me but if you look at my message it is hidden in there some where. so when you figure it out just leave a comment or if you won’t to friend me my username is ccbliss500 and i have a lion named lyla
I can’t wait to see if i win
Man I hope I win. I love all kinds of rare flowers. Chocolate cosmos, ghost orchids, you name it!
on this account i only have 1 webkinz. i had like 8 on my other one, so i want another one real bad!
i once had one on my old webkinz account, but i forgot my password.
Does anyone know how to win? Is it like a random drawing from the people who entered, or are there judges who determine which list is best?