Majestic Tiger Contest
Starts: 2013:04:01 12:00:00
Ends : 2013:04:30 23:59:59
Open to Webkinz World players residing in the USA and Canada (some exceptions apply).
April showers bring May flowers! Tell us your top 10 favorite flowers and you could win May’s Pet of the Month pet, a virtual Majestic Tiger (the “Prize”), in time for May!

i really wanna win! i need a new webkinz or my account will exspier! i hope i win
i love the tiger it is so cute i would name mine stripey :)
I never win these, but I entered! :{ )
Good luck :) it’s still ok because maybe someone will win that really needs a webkinz :)
Good luck everyone! I think this Tiger is really pretty.
its just so beutiful
i like a type of flower you cant spell, like zephy something
I Love All Flowers..
Aw Its so pretty! My favorite color is orange. I hope i win! Good luck to everyone else too!
Who wins & who “loses” doesn’t matter. If you lose, you say, “Oh well. Better luck next time.” :D
I entered the contest ! I hope I win. ;0)