Majestic Tiger Contest
Starts: 2013:04:01 12:00:00
Ends : 2013:04:30 23:59:59
Open to Webkinz World players residing in the USA and Canada (some exceptions apply).
April showers bring May flowers! Tell us your top 10 favorite flowers and you could win May’s Pet of the Month pet, a virtual Majestic Tiger (the “Prize”), in time for May!

I need that tiger because I didn’t get the sissling swan for my birthday today, alothough I did get the candy googles
I really want a sort of magic pet and this one is cool enough for me to get! So i really hope i win!
my mom is a floral designer, so it wasn’t hard to play this contest. i know my flowers!
My favourite flower is Carnation
the tiger would be a perfect gift for me
Orange is my favorite color! I can’t wait to see if I win!
my favorite is a Rose!
Hope I win it!!! Good luck everyone!!!
good luck to all of you webkinz lovers
oh….. I can’t wait to see the winners ‘Cause “I” hope to be the winner ’cause i’ve never won before. but i do wish the rest of you luck also!!! :)