On the second day of Christmas…
Starts: 2017:11:02 00:00:00
Ends : 2017:11:03 06:00:00
Open to Webkinz World players residing in the USA and Canada (some exceptions apply).
On the second day of Christmas… what did your true love give you? We’re making a Webkinz version of the classic holiday song, ‘The Twelve Days of Christmas’ and we want your suggestions!
Which Webkinz World item, clothing or pet would your true love give you on each day? Is it from eStore? The WShop? Is it a prize or an exclusive? It can be whatever you think works best!
Every weekday, there will be one Contest a day – each for a different day of the song – where you can submit your suggestions, and if your suggestion is selected to be used in our song, you will win a virtual Webkinz 2017 Christmas Stocking (the Prize)! See the schedule here.
Limit of one entry per Webkinz Newz account.
Please use the contest entry form – do not leave the answers in the comments.
Note: Contest closes at 11:59 PM EST on November 2, 2017.

Hey sally do you have to do each day? Do you work for webkinz sally webinz?????
I ask because I MISSED the FIRST DAY
and Im curious
You don’t have to do each day. Each day is judged separately. Yes, I work for Ganz :)
This was fun! I entered, but how do we find out who won?
Winners will be announced once the whole song has been composed
This is pretty fun but do they have to rhyme?
Oh, is this the second day? I just put in a thought for the FIRST day, not the second…. should I try again or leave it be?
You can only enter once, unfortunately.
Is it one entry per day? Or for the entire contest?
Per day
it is one entry per day
The original song doesn’t even rhyme
this is fun!!!!!!
I hope we can do the same item twice (ie a partridge in a pear tree; two turtle doves and a partridge in a pear tree, using “a partridge in a pear tree” twice.
It’s unnecessary, as we will not be using the second part, but it won’t disqualify you.
Okay, good. I started to get worried that I would not qualify after I read your comment on the announcement page for this contest.
Alrighty, I just entered… this is a really fun contest!! ;)
Hi Sally, Are you suppose to put your name or user name or e-mail address in the entry form?
No, we have your email address from your GanzWorld account.
Grand Estate Bed
I missed the first day and only have seen it today. What happens now?
Enter for the second day. You don’t have to enter for each day :)
On The Second Day Of Christmas… My True Love Gave to me
We’re keeping the comments free of entries :)