Ostrich Contest
Starts: 2020:03:01 00:00:00
Ends : 2020:04:01 06:00:00
Open to Webkinz World players residing in the USA and Canada (some exceptions apply).
The Ostrich is feeling green! Tell us your top 10 favorite green things to enter into a draw to win one of five virtual Ostrich adoption codes (the Prize).
Limit of one entry per Webkinz Newz account.
Please use the contest entry form – do not leave the answers in the comments.
Note: Contest closes at 11:59 PM EST on March 31, 2020.

ooh, I cant wait to see the winners!
Aww it’s so cute!
Good Luck!
Fingers crossed
SO ADORABLE!! I have entered UwU
I Love this !
So adorable!
So cute!
OMGosh Love it!