Porcupine Room Design Contest
Starts: 2016:01:07 00:00:00
Ends : 2016:02:01 06:00:00
Open to Webkinz World players residing in the USA and Canada (some exceptions apply)
The Porcupine is February’s Pet of the Month and is looking to get away for the winter. Design the perfect Porcupine vacation destination (any size or type of room) using only W Shop (KinzCash) items for a chance to win 1 of 5 Secret Codes for a virtual Porcupine!
Limit of one entry per GanzWorld account. Entries will be judged on creativity and originality. Contest closes on January 31st, 11:59pm EST.

I submitted a picture of my room but I just realized that the pets in the room (a Glitter Fawn, a Garnet Rover, and a Rainbow Rascal) were wearing clothing that isn’t available at the KinzStyle Outlet. Is that okay?
The clothing doesn’t matter :)
Cool, thanks for answering, Sally.
Sally, is it only Kinzcash items or can we use Estore and psi items?
Only W Shop items for KinzCash
Hi Sally Webkinz. i have a question about the contest. Since pets and their clothing are not sold in the WShop, should we leave them out of our entries? I usually put pets in all my screen shots but will not use them if it’s against the contest rules. Thanks, Sally!
I’ve entered. I can’t wait to see everybody else’s creations! Good luck everyone!!
I went to upload my photo and it said my picture was too big. I made sure it was the right kind of photo but I don’t know how to make it smaller.
If you can, do it on the mobile app! Take a screenshot on there of your room. I just did hat and it worked.
Just entered! I am soo excited to see what ever one else came up with! it was soooooo fun building my room! Even though it’s not crazy fancy, I think I did well:) Good Luke everyone!
typo…luck not luke! May the force be with you!lol
coincidence that u said luke and may the force be with you lol
Entered..can’t wait to see all the rooms
This is right up my alley! I’m going to enter. Get ready for a get-away, Porcupine!
Yay just entered!
Whoa, this sounds so cool! I am really excited. Are we allowed to take a picture of our room design, and then e-mail it?
No, it must be uploaded through the contest page.
How do you do that?
How do you enter contest? I know I have to go to the Contests page and click Enter Contest. But how do I upload image?
There should be a button that says “Choose File”
How do you make it a file?
If you’re on a PC, you hit Alt-Print Screen and then paste it into Paint. Make sure you save it as as JPG or GIF.
Hello again. Sally, could you tell me if I have entered or not? Cause when I click submit, it’ll say “You have exceeded the image size limit!” Does that mean I’ve entered?
No, that would mean your image is too big.
How do you make it smaller?
You’ll need to use an application to make it smaller. You can resize an image in Paint. Check the help file in the application that you’re using, and it should have some guidance.
I entered! It was so much fun to build this room! Thanks so much for this contest! :)
how do i take a picture of my pets room? please reply quickly
If you’re on a PC, then you need to press Alt-Print Screen and paste it into Paint.
This is fantastic!!!! I so look forward to entering!!!!!!!
how do i do that???
Here is how I take a screen shot on my MacBook: I press command, shift, and 3 at the same time, and to make it the kind of photo needed for the contest, I drag it into iPhoto. I edit and then upload it:-)