Room Design Awards
Starts: 2022:11:11 00:00:00
Ends : 2022:11:13 23:59:59
Limit of one entry per Webkinz Newz account.
What are your 5 favorite room designs? Please list them below.
Here are the list of options, in case you’ve forgotten:
- Berry Patch Kids by Hannah
- Sip & Study Café by Carter
- Forest Below the Reef by kittykittymeowmeow1
- Dad’s Hobby House by Musiclover811
- Prison Cafeteria by Grandpascutie
- Quill’s Dragon Lair by jeep849105
- Teen Center by 4gats
- Rainbow Bridge Room by tteokie
- Adventure Outpost by Nate4555
- Fall Fair by claran
- Fairy Garden Party by balletbear5M
- Gingerbread Forest by Bananammm
- Master of Puppets in the Upside Down by Lopezal
- Boba Tea Café by Mayzee2
- A Kinzville Christmas Carol by Rescue111
- The Lost Temple by Buffy
- Fire n Ice by Nick
- The Old West by Laura
- Organic Grocery Store by Magda596
- Department Store by Kinzgirl3263
- Teen Room by dumbdumb0
- Spa by cutesy23
- Miss Beakers art and craft class by zoe510
- Henrietta’s Chicken Coop by HannahTravis