Round 11: Purple Floral Fox vs Pink Hippo
Starts: 2020:04:24 00:00:00
Ends : 2020:04:25 06:00:00
Limit of one entry per Webkinz Newz account.
It’s round 11 of the Lil’ Webkinz Vote! Will you vote for the Purple Floral Fox or Pink Hippo?

Starts: 2020:04:24 00:00:00
Ends : 2020:04:25 06:00:00
Limit of one entry per Webkinz Newz account.
It’s round 11 of the Lil’ Webkinz Vote! Will you vote for the Purple Floral Fox or Pink Hippo?
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Purple floral fox! Definitely!
I forgot about this so sad I missed voting in the earlier weeks
Pink Hippo!
pink hippo
Floral Fox!!! (but I do like the hippo
Same here! This particular vote was very hard for me.
Pink hippo!
Purple floral fox! :)
Pink Hippo!!
Purple Floral Fox :P :D :3
Floral fox!!!!! (but the otter pup should win overall.)
I agree with you, IluvAlaska!
Yes, the otter pup is adorable!