Round 13: Bumbleebee vs Otter Pup
Starts: 2020:04:27 00:00:00
Ends : 2020:04:28 06:00:00
Limit of one entry per Webkinz Newz account.
It’s round 13 of the Lil’ Webkinz Vote! Will you vote for the Bumblebee or Otter Pup?

Starts: 2020:04:27 00:00:00
Ends : 2020:04:28 06:00:00
Limit of one entry per Webkinz Newz account.
It’s round 13 of the Lil’ Webkinz Vote! Will you vote for the Bumblebee or Otter Pup?
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otter pup
This is the toughest choice so far! I picked the otter pup but I’d be just as happy with the bumblebee!
Otter Pup!!!!
!!!!!!!BUMBLEBEE!!!!!!!!!! :D
I at first thought I would pick the bumblebee but that cute little face on the otter pup changed my mind. So adorable :)
I love the bumblebee its so cute!
No way, Otter pup.
I love the Bumblebee, so cute, they are both adorable! Thanks for the fun!
Is this our ballot???
Click cast your vote.
otter pup would be my pick