Snow Soft Kitty Contest
Starts: 2017:11:01 00:00:00
Ends : 2017:12:01 06:00:00
Open to Webkinz World players residing in the USA and Canada (some exceptions apply).
Thanksgiving season! What are you feeling thankful for? Tell us your top 10 to be entered into a draw to win one of five virtual Snow Soft Kitty adoption codes (the Prize).
Limit of one entry per Webkinz Newz account.
Please use the contest entry form – do not leave the answers in the comments.
Note: Contest closes at 11:59 PM EST on November 30, 2017.

So cute… So white… So fluffy… must… Enter contest!!! :-D
Successfully entered! (By the way, this is RosyFox/SnowFox15, I’ve just made yet another account ;D) There are so many things that I am thankful for this Thanksgiving, I feel very blessed! I hope that everyone has a Thanksgiving that is filled with memories and blessings as you spend time with your families! Happy Thanksgiving, everyone, and may God Bless! ~Rosy >^v^<
I would love to be an active member again on webkinz, I just don’t know where to buy another animal! So thankful for the happiness webkinz brought me when I was little! Im 20 now lol!
They need to be easier to find, but they really shouldn’t be so underpriced all the time like $1 or $2 is too little. Webkinz needs the money so to take the toys off the shelves and sell resource consuming plushies at $1 all the time is ridiculous. i love webkinz but im concerned about how much money Ganz makes, they don’t look like they’re doing well. you can find them on amazon but be careful you get a new, unused webkinz with an UNUSED CODE! there are many scammers selling the plushies without codes and selling used codes.
and that’s why i have an idea for them to start making webkinz with unused codes as cheaper and easier to make, more easy to find cards and vending machine toys and they should maybe do a cartoon or something, but that’s another story. :D
i’m a die hard fan of webkinz, i never EVER want this amazing game to shut down!!!!! i would rather eat mega gunk than have this amazing game taken away from the world! lol :D
amazon has them! lol
I hope that everyoen has a good thanksgiving I entered this contest but it is okay if I don’t win my family is all I need.
I entered, but I’m ok with not winning because I’m thankful for all the pets I already have. I hope the winners are those that could use a free pet the most, especially this lovely kitty! Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
I hope I win. Good luck to those who do win god bless you
If i dont win im still thankful for what i have and what pets i have!!
Happy thanksgivings everyone god bless all of you hope you have a good thanksgivings
Same to you! I feel the same way! I’m thankful even if I don’t win that sweet snow kitty!
I only have one webkinz and I hope that I win
Yes, I agree. I change my mind….if I win then I save the code for Christmas! My sister would LOVE this adorable pet!
i love and adore all animals
Me too, and many others aswell.
please choose me
This is a random draw. If you win, I congratulate you.
I answered the contest, but it encountered an error and told me that my answer was incorrect (I solved the math equation using PEMDAS). When I tried to go back and do it over, and not use PEMDAS on the equation, it told me that “I had already entered the contest with the wrong answer”. I’m afraid that it entered my answer form blank.
The same thing happened to me. :C
Maybe it’s a non-Ganz related problem… I didn’t have any trouble with entering. Or it could have been fixed?
Before I entered my answer to the math equation, I texted my 16-yr-old granddaughter about the 2 possible answers I came up with. (LOL) She picked the answer I did with not using PEDMAS. (I ‘think’ PEDMAS is only to be use with numbers of an equation enclosed in brackets.) I would contact GANZ about the difficulty you’re having. Good luck everyone!
It doesn’t matter. It is always Brackets, exponents, DIVISION, MULTIPLICATION, addition, subtraction; with any equation. If there are no brackets or exponents, Division and multiplication always supercede. So, yes, the formula is correct and the math is correct and the result is the result. If multiplication shows first, you do that. 1X2+3-4 = 1 X2 = 2, then 2+3=5, then 5-4=1 It is that easy. If the multiplication shows up in the middle of the equation, I can see why the confusion, but they always begin with the multiplication first.
What a beautiful idea for a contest — everyone is a winner when reflecting on what they are grateful for :-)
We all have many things to be thankful for.
Good luck to you all! I probably lost but I do these for fun.Good luck again and have a wonderful Thanksgiving
good luck to you too i have won once in a name pet contest so i will probably lose but who knows:) i can’t believe there is only 50 days till christmas happy thanksgiving to you as well
I do have one of these named Snow White. If I randomly win this then I’d name the new one Elsa. If I lose I don’t mind, I can just have fun with Snow White instead.
Lolisity, you never know! I aswell do them for fun, it’s totally okay if I do lose. If I win, I change my mind….sister’s christmas’ gift!