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Springy Kangaroo Contest

Starts: 2015:04:07 00:00:00

Ends : 2015:04:30 23:59:59

Open to Webkinz World players residing in the USA and Canada (some exceptions apply).

Tell us your top 10 Mother’s Day Gifts and you could win  May’s Pet of the Month pet, a virtual Springy Kangaroo (the “Prize”), in time for May!


103 Responses to Springy Kangaroo Contest

  1. PEBBLES1973 says:

    skill answer is 52

  2. 13llamaseatingcheese says:

    i super want to win this contest. omg so cute!

  3. stacymarie says:

    happy mothers day.

  4. ajberry4 says:

    I entered. Hope I win ;)

  5. beaubo says:

    almost forgot to enter!

  6. BluEcho says:

    What a great choice for pet of the month. Id love to win him, but if I don’t, then I hope that Slicedpeaches77 does. I have some awesome Webkins friends but she is most kind. She sent me my very first gift ever in WW when I wasn’t even wanting or expecting one :)

  7. frost1031 says:

    I’ve entered!!!! plze add me!!! I’m frost1031 and intel9090. don’t hack!!

  8. miragrr says:

    And…….Entered! I really hope I win this pet! Good luck to everyone who enters this contest. I absolutely love kangaroos…so this would be awesome if I won. And if anybody wants to friend me that would be fantastic, my username is m4g8! Again good luck to everyone and have a super duper wonderful magnificent day (or night if your like me and typing this at 11:25 at NIGHT on a SCHOOL NIGHT!……..oops!!!(: )

  9. kryshapierce4ever says:

    I would buy my Mom a bouquet of flowers and chocolate to put on a tray that will have breakfast on it. If my Mom were to get anything that she could keep forever I would get her slipper socks and pajamas. I would be her “slave” for the day.

  10. a1b2c3d456 says:

    It is so springy! ( if thats a word)

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