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Springy Kangaroo Contest

Starts: 2015:04:07 00:00:00

Ends : 2015:04:30 23:59:59

Open to Webkinz World players residing in the USA and Canada (some exceptions apply).

Tell us your top 10 Mother’s Day Gifts and you could win  May’s Pet of the Month pet, a virtual Springy Kangaroo (the “Prize”), in time for May!


103 Responses to Springy Kangaroo Contest

  1. supersnowball78 says:

    It’s sooo cute! I really want it! I totally hope i can win it!

  2. bronziebear says:

    I hope I win! Good luck!

  3. myjohn8 says:

    This Kangaroo is adorable

  4. griffoned says:

    If I win, I will buy it in real life too.

  5. hmr2015 says:

    Awww!! That kangaroo is so cute!! I would love to win that cool kangaroo!! :)

  6. Webkinzlover924 says:

    cute cute cute lol I love this pet blue is my favorite color (especially The color!) Cant wait to see if i can get the pet Whooohoo! :D

  7. puffapuffle2 says:

    I want it online AND irl so we could cuddle );

  8. puffapuffle2 says:

    It says you need your parent to know about it. Why? :I

  9. KennyKdoll says:

    What a cute kangaroo!

  10. lovepuppy22 says:

    sorry at the end of my username is a please that’s NOT included in mt username

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