Stache Dach Contest
Starts: 2017:10:01 00:00:00
Ends : 2017:11:01 06:00:00
Open to Webkinz World players residing in the USA and Canada (some exceptions apply).
Is Halloween your favorite time of year? What are your top 10 favorite Halloween costumes? Tell us your top 10 to be entered into a draw to win one of five virtual Stache Dach adoption codes (the Prize).
Limit of one entry per Webkinz Newz account.
Please use the contest entry form – do not leave the answers in the comments.
Note: Contest closes at 11:59 PM EST on October 31, 2017.

Since I first saw this pet in stores I wanted it. I am going to make it a boy, (If I win) and name him Mr. Stash most likely.
I tried entering the contest and when i answered the skill testing question which said 7 x 2 – 15 plus 3. which made no sense cause you don’t usually work through negatives, it said wronganswer and won’t let me reenter
Well since it is a “skill testing” question, I’m not surprised that they used negative numbers. At least they aren’t having us do something like 32x + b = 928π – 583/299³ x (-3829³ + b/0.239)!
Oh that’s easy, checkmate
Goodness, this one was sure hard, possibly one of the hardest! I have barely been trick-or-treating for ten years! I’d love to win this cute puppy, though, and good luck to all that enter or are planning to enter!
It was surely fun though! :D
This was fun! Good luck to all the entrants!
this is a Noice puppy
Hmmm. I’m clicking on “contest entry form” but I just keep coming back here. Something is amiss…poltergeists?
It happened to me too. Try clicking on it 2-3 times
I can’t enter the contest, I clicked the link but nothing happened. Please help me.
The contest entry form isn’t working…?
Maybe try going to the contest list instead of straight from the post?
It’s working now. :) All of the contests are now!
Its soooooooooooo cute!!!!! I love it!! I just entered the contest, so I am excited to see who wins!!
What a snazzy little dog, it’d be funny to see the monocle and mustache item on this little fella to match along with his mustache pattern.
Ohmygoodness that would be so cute!
I was thinking that too. This guy would look cool in the Noir detective trench coat & hat w/ the stache!