Stone Lion Contest
Starts: 2013:09:25 00:00:00
Ends : 2013:10:25 23:59:59
Open to Webkinz World players residing in the USA and Canada (some exceptions apply).
The Stone Lion is a majestic creature, known for enjoying long walks in the garden. The quiet strength of the Stone Lion is enough to add serenity to any green space! This GanzWorld exclusive virtual pet could be yours — all you have to do is tell us the Top 10 things you love about GanzWorld Rewards! Ten winners will be randomly selected.

best pet ever reminds me of a museum sooo cute
yo i want one SO bad i will even pay moneys for that thing!
This pet is almost as cute as patchy puppy! Good luck everyone!
hopefully i win! EEEPPP
Please let me win!!!
One of my accounts (Expii) is free, and my other two (SophiePatM and Sophie091) are close to being free. Good luck Webkinz Fans!
You can totally friend me!
i want it so badly!
who doesn’t..
I entered, and I totes want to win!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
He is soo cute
♥I hope everyone is happy with the results, Good luck to EVERYONE who participated♥
you too :D
You too