Tinker Chimera Contest
Starts: 2015:08:28 00:00:00
Ends : 2015:08:30 23:59:59
Open to Webkinz World players residing in the USA and Canada (some exceptions apply).
The chimera is a mythical creature made up of several other animals — what’s the craziest combination of animals you can think of? Tell us about your chimera in a 1000 characters or less, and you could win one of 5 eStore exclusive Tinker Chimera codes! Entries accepted from Friday, August 28 at 12:00 am EST until Sunday, August 30, 11:59 pm EST.
Stay tuned to Webkinz Newz to learn how you can get your very own Tinker Chimera!

I just entered! This was so fun! Good luck to everyone! :)
I already entered. Good luck to everyone participating! ;D
In the original stories, the chimera was part lion, part goat, and part snake.
lilicat9. A Chimera is a hybrid of several animals, Griffins are Chimeras, Minotaurs and Centaurs are Chimeras, Anubis is a Chimera, I looked up Chimeras that exist so I didn’t accidently copy one that already exists. ZTRON8.
He kind of looks like a gryphon made out of a combination of a bear cub, with wings of a bat & horns from a dragon, billy goat, or bull.
how do i enter
The contest is now accepting entries, so you can use the contest entry form.
AWWWW!!! I LOVE IT!! But, i don’t want five… it will get confusing. I will give them like gifts to my friends! #bettertogivethanrecive :P
Giving is great! Winners only get one Secret Code each, though ;)
Oh! Okay! Thank you so much for telling me that! I’m so wowed that you responded! This is the best day ever!!!!!
oops i mean a bear dragon goat
he is co cute i think he looks like abear dragon
He looks like a bear cub with dragon wings and goat horns made of medal.
In the contest are we writing what our own creature would look like or what the one we would win looks like?
I think our OWN chimera would look like. Hope this helps and hope u win good luck!!! ( I entered already but I wish u luck!! )
what YOU think the chimera looks like (in the picture) and you would win a chimera
This pet so cute to get.
I entered and made possibly the strangest combination ever. <xD I even drew a picture and gave a link, but I'm not sure if they'll be able to see it. :/ I believe it's actually a raffle, anyway.
I almost drew a picture but I didnt think they would notice it xD