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Tree Kangaroo Contest

Starts: 2013:06:01 00:00:00

Ends : 2013:06:30 23:59:59

Open to Webkinz World players residing in the USA and Canada (some exceptions apply).

If you could give your dad (or someone you love like a dad) anything, what would you give him? Tell us your top 10 Father’s Day gifts and you could win July’s Pet of the Month pet, a virtual Tree Kangaroo (the “Prize”), in time for July!


293 Responses to Tree Kangaroo Contest

  1. jesscaa34 says:

    i want that toooooooooo

  2. belle81502 says:

    who won??

  3. beach says:

    i think that the winner should get the kangaroo and the loser should get a super bed or a exclusive car or exclusive object for participating in the contest.

  4. weezy says:

    I really want to win this for my grandaughter

  5. smeagan says:

    I really hope I get one but if someone else does I am fine with that I just cant get webkinz because I am poor!!

  6. webkinzlover2222 says:

    Today we find out the winner of the contest! Good luck to everyone! :)

  7. Awesomesauce says:

    I would give him a laptop, tools, sports equiptment, phone, a vacation, a homemade card, dog, work bag, Car, bike, dinner out

  8. balayar says:

    am excited to have one

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