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Underwater Room Contest

Starts: 2013:05:01 00:00:00

Ends : 2013:05:31 23:59:59

Open to Webkinz World players residing in the USA and Canada (some exceptions apply).

Have you seen the awesome new eStore Coral Sea theme? If you had an underwater room, what kinds of things would you like to put in it?  Tell us in 1000 characters or fewer, and you could win an eStore exclusive virtual Swordfish (the “Prize”)! We’ll be awarding 3 Secret Codes each week, for a total of 12 Secret Codes!


157 Responses to Underwater Room Contest

  1. zebragirl001 says:

    I want one so badly because I have a room for it and its cute.

  2. chizy256 says:

    want to win

  3. puppydog9 says:

    I just want the Swordfish!

  4. hbokinz says:

    I want this Swordfish so bad…!

  5. WildMaddy1 says:

    If I had an underwater room I would fill it with as much underwater/sea/ocean themed things as I could. I love the sea and swimming and I bet my (hopefully) new sword fish would also love it! I would put the bed in the middle of the wall facing North. Also two matching bedside tables on either side of it. I would probably p[aint the room a white green or blue. The green would probably be a mint or lime. The blue would be steel or dark. Like a navy blue. The white would be a cream or an ivory kind of white. I would even put a couch, chairs and a TV in the room for the swordfish. A girl named Simone. I like the name Simone, it’s french. Simone the swordfish I like it! I would put all kinds of fun things in for the swordfishg to play with, I would make her happy in her brand new beautiful underwater room.

  6. moonpetal says:

    I wish they would do more drawing (like with a pencil) contests because I would be super at it! ;)

  7. partyhat158 says:

    i entered with this plz tell me if u like it! … If I had an underwater room, I’d have… Anchors hanging on the walls, boats and ships floating in the halls, a big anemone bed standing tall, a seashell T.V making the fish stall, and coral and sand couches making coziness the best of all.

  8. Hottie12 says:

    I put that i would have a pink and blue themed room!

  9. balletrue101 says:

    I already entered with an idea for an Deep Sea Diner! I hope I win! (PLEEEEASE DON’T COPY!)

  10. AUTUMNLEAVES says:

    Oh, i hope i win! :) i chose items that would be a bubbly theme. i want to win badly! :) good luck everyone! :) :) :) :)

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