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Underwater Room Contest

Starts: 2013:05:01 00:00:00

Ends : 2013:05:31 23:59:59

Open to Webkinz World players residing in the USA and Canada (some exceptions apply).

Have you seen the awesome new eStore Coral Sea theme? If you had an underwater room, what kinds of things would you like to put in it?  Tell us in 1000 characters or fewer, and you could win an eStore exclusive virtual Swordfish (the “Prize”)! We’ll be awarding 3 Secret Codes each week, for a total of 12 Secret Codes!


157 Responses to Underwater Room Contest

  1. qzrava says:

    If I had an underwater room, there would be mermaid statues on both sides of every door. They would be made of marble, along with a marble fountain in the middle of the room. The floors would be beautiful tiles with a seahorse pattern. The walls would as deep blue as the deep ocean. The bed would be a giant clam shell with a pearl pillow. Tables would be made of marble and so would the chairs. You cooked food by putting over a hot geyser of water. the fridge would be marble along with the freezer. The freezer had an unlimited supply of ice because it froze any water that got in it. That’s what my underwater room would look like.

  2. magicala says:

    I just entered the contest wish me luck and I wish everybody luck too :)

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