Underwater Room Contest
Starts: 2013:05:01 00:00:00
Ends : 2013:05:31 23:59:59
Open to Webkinz World players residing in the USA and Canada (some exceptions apply).
Have you seen the awesome new eStore Coral Sea theme? If you had an underwater room, what kinds of things would you like to put in it? Tell us in 1000 characters or fewer, and you could win an eStore exclusive virtual Swordfish (the “Prize”)! We’ll be awarding 3 Secret Codes each week, for a total of 12 Secret Codes!

Thanks GANZ for awesome contest
Good luck to everyone!
I hope i win one
Lol put underwatery stuff in the underwater room!
so hi guys i hope you guys win good luck!
YAY!! I enter I hope I win cause I never win but, Good Luck To All that enter…
OMG! I NEED that sword fish!
i would love the pet just like any of you but there is someone out there who would need it way more than alot of us! i hope that you all do well and i do hope that some of you win! Good Luck to all of you!
I hope I win!! i worked really hard thanks Ganz for these awesome contests!!
If I had an underwater room, I’d add in lots of beautiful Coral Reef items. I’d really want to give the room a glow, as if you were really underwater. My room would include the Deep Sea Bed, in which my dolphin would sleep on, the Covers of Coral Bed, which my manatee would sleep on, Neptune’s Nap Bed, which my walrus would sleep on, and if I got the Swordfish, it would sleep on the Coral Reef bed. I’d separate the room like a house, with different rooms. I’d make a kitchen, living room, bedroom, and bathroom. I’d love to receive the eStore Swordfish pet.