Underwater Room Contest
Starts: 2013:05:01 00:00:00
Ends : 2013:05:31 23:59:59
Open to Webkinz World players residing in the USA and Canada (some exceptions apply).
Have you seen the awesome new eStore Coral Sea theme? If you had an underwater room, what kinds of things would you like to put in it? Tell us in 1000 characters or fewer, and you could win an eStore exclusive virtual Swordfish (the “Prize”)! We’ll be awarding 3 Secret Codes each week, for a total of 12 Secret Codes!

Its not just the sword fish I want I just want alot of webkinz right now I have 44
I hope I win cause my b-day is this week and that would be the best b-day gift ever!
If I had a underwater room it would be better than a mermaid’s room.I would have mermaid wallpaper . Also i would use many items from sunken ships.I also would have many shell items .Like a clam shell bed , or a clam closet .My clothes will be in many shell like box’s. I would have a fishnet as a hamper.When my friends spend the night they would sleep in a submarine looking sleeping bag . My jewarly will be kept in a treasure chest box. My hide out will be in a sunken life boat .My books will be in a hatch in the life boat that held the life vest.The best part of my room is my hidden large clam shell.My night stand will have in it shark teeth , stingray tails , and mirrors from the ocean floor.I will have a case for my laptop that looks like a clam shell.I also will have a cabent with some things from the ocean floor .A couple things in there will be shells, mirrors , rocks, and fossils .Most of my things will be clams on my bed.I will have a large tank of salt water fish.
the swordfish is a really rare promo pet so i definetly want it
I <3 fish! :-)
I do love writing!
i hope i win i had never win before i just love swordfish
like contests say many will enter one will win and good luck!
great love it where do u enter
if i had an underwater room i would fill it with a bunch of decorations like tables for a dining room a section for a living room , etc.
I only put 26 words I don’t think I’m gonna win :( still crossing fingers though, ~ crosses fingers ~ good luck thank you ganz for making this website y’all are the best friends ever! :) from your friend, girls rule