Upbeat Chic Owl Contest
Starts: 2015:12:28 00:00:00
Ends : 2015:12:31 06:00:00
Open to Webkinz World players residing in the USA and Canada (some exceptions apply).
Tell us your top 10 New year’s Resolutions and you could win an eStore exclusive Upbeat Chic Owl (the “Prize”)! Stay tuned to Webkinz Newz to learn how you can you very own Upbeat Chic Owl. Contest closes at Midnight EST on December 30, 2015.

This owl might just be one of the cutest webkinz ever! I also love the Upbeat Chic Giraffe. I really hope I win. I thought my resolutions were pretty good, not that that matters. It’s a random draw, right? Anyway, good luck to all who enter! God bless, Silvermist
Thx Silvermist GL to you too. That owl is so CUTE my sister would love to have one. I wish I could win this one for her. I sent in my resolutions for my webkinz life LOL. I hope my sister or I win this, but if not I know God has a different plan. God bless all webkinz players. Christianfroggy2014 ;)
Good luck everyone!
I have two accounts with the same e-mail address. When I go on the second account and fill out the form it answers “Email cannot be empty”. So Sally this contest is for only one email account? This has happened before, and I get very confused!!
The GanzWorld account that you are currently on does not have an email address attached to it, which is why it won’t let you enter. Even if you did manage to enter, we send prizes to the email address associated to the account. Unfortunately, there’s no way currently to change the email address status for your GanzWorld account.
Thank you for taking the time to answer. To you and all the other wonderful employees, have a wonderful, prosperous, and healthy New Year.
Sally, on the contest page it says the contest ends at midnight on the 30th, but when I went to enter it said I had until 6am on the 31st. Which time does this contest end? Thx!
It ends at midnight on the 30th. We’ve been having some issues with the server time, so I added a buffer in there just in case, as people have been unable to enter when it’s set to midnight
One more question Sally, How many winners are there, and when will the winners be announced?
5 winners and they’ll be announced later today.
please help me with the contest math question answer. Why is this answer wrong as I can never enter a contest! What is the correct answer.
We cannot provide you with the answer. However, remember that you must complete the equation from left to right.
Thank you Sally! You are always so helpful! I love reading your comments, you help me so much! THANK YOU for helping make Webkinz the best thing EVER!
thank you Ill try again
Here is a hint P.E.M.D.A.S. P= Parenthesis E= exponents M/D= Multiplication and division A/S = adding an subtracting, and when doing a problem you do the operations in order as stated above. Hope this helps, Were learning this in 6th grade right now!
Terrigram, why not ask someone older for help with the math if you can’t do it.
i found it hard to remember that so my teacher told me Please Excuse My Dear Aunt Sally P.E.M.D.A.S its helped alot
Just finished entering my 2016 Res’OWL’utions. lol. Good luck everyone. May your next year be as bright and upbeat as this owl!
You are so nice! Friend me (everyone) at artisfun1. And I’d just like to send out a shoutout to all of those who have friended me! If I haven’t sent you a gift already, just send me a letter and I will.
This little guy is so cute! Good luck to everyone!
I can’t find the form to write my top 10 New Year’s resolution, Sally Webkinz!
Try here: http://webkinznewz.ganzworld.com/contest/upbeat-chic-owl-contest/entry/?login=1
I have a running joke with my family that owls are everywhere! We cannot go to a store without them being on towels, books, even socks. This would be a perfect pet for my collection – or any lucky Webkinz player. Good luck everyone! And keep looking for owls…
Awesome! Good luck to everyone ;)
Sooooo cute! My friend would love This pet. Is this a judged contest??
No, this one is random.
Sally I have a question on pets, I got a Webkinz 1-year deluxe membership, but I wish not to use the cat code, is there any way I can transfer this code to someone’s account, or send it to them, I’d rather give it to someone than sell it.
If the pet was automatically added to your account, then no. If you received a Secret Code, you can send that to whoever you like
Same Good Luck to everyone, and I hope everyone will have a safe and bright new year! ~fluff54
What a little peach! this owl is ADORABLE!
It really is adorable! I wonder how many people have entered so far?
I’m wondering that too haha.
Maybe a hundred ppl, how are you guys! I haven’t seen FennecFox in like forever! How old are you now?