Vampire Kitten Contest
Starts: 2015:10:02 00:00:00
Ends : 2015:10:04 23:59:59
Open to Webkinz World players residing in the USA and Canada (some exceptions apply).
This round-faced little kitty is just too cute to be scary… but that doesn’t stop him from trying! Tell us about the time the Vampire Kitten tried to frighten someone (and failed miserably!) and you could win one of 5 eStore exclusive Vampire Kitten codes!
Entries accepted from Friday, October 2 at 12:00 am EST until Sunday, October 4, 11:59 pm EST.
Stay tuned to Webkinz Newz to learn how you can get your very own Vampire Kitten!

This was a lot of fun but I wish there was a longer character limit. Oh, well.
What’s the character limit?
1000 characters :)
Yes, I agree. I had to edit and edit and it lost some of the details but i still think its a good story…even if I don’t win. Good luck to all who enter!!!!
I’ve been a Webkinz player for a long time, since kindergarten, and I’m a sophomore now! I finally got a Ganz account, and I really wanted to enter this contest because I LOVE CATS, oh my goodness. Probably too much. Anyways, I would just like to know, how will I be notified if I somehow end up winning? Will I get an email?
Yup! Winners will be emailed a Secret Code. We also announce the winners afterwards, so you can check back on Webkinz Newz to see if your story was selected.
Writing Is my stress reliever, And the Vampire Kitty Is PETrifying. Hehe, Sorry for the pun, Writing contest get me hyped up :) .
Cant wait to enter!!!!
I love this pet…
The Vampire Kitten hid under a girl’s bed and tried to scare her but the girl adopted him as a pet instead.
Entries are accepted from October 2 until October 4 :) Come back Friday
sally when are you going to put the winners up for the dog its not on here any more sooo im asking you on here the potm is what im talking adout
Hey apple16! I saw your other messages on the contest page, and you were already asking who won before the contest was over. Contests run until midnight, so the winners will never, ever be posted on the day that it ends. Then, you have to wait until we get into work so we can pick the winners. Sometimes, the winners won’t be posted right away either because it’s a holiday, or the weekend, or something has come up. I know it’s exciting to see who wins, but you’ll have to be more patient.
I wish it was a plush…
I have a pretty good one, I haven’t won before but I am in gifted writing so I may pull this one off…I have only entered once before sooooooo yeah…I may not win but at least I can say I tried! Good luck to everyone, and mark your calanders!
I’m not going to enter this one partly because I won the last one but I have a suggestion for a good story, the cat is talking to his friends and they’re talking about times they scared people when it’s the cats turn he remembers back To when he was a kitty and try’s to scare his (relative) but it doesn’t work and he like falls in goo or something like that idk but I thought it might be a good story
that would be you should enter even though you won the last one you should
Oh wow that’s a really good idea, snowandlindsey, you should do it anyways for the fun of it! I really love this pet, it’s so cute!
OCTOBER 2?!? October?!? NO nono no no
I want it i want its just too cute i wanna win this i really want it if i owned it i would put it in the candy corn dress and hat for halloween
Wow! you did!!!! LUCKY!!!!!!!!!!!!