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Vampire Kitten Contest

Starts: 2015:10:02 00:00:00

Ends : 2015:10:04 23:59:59

Open to Webkinz World players residing in the USA and Canada (some exceptions apply).

This round-faced little kitty is just too cute to be scary… but that doesn’t stop him from trying! Tell us about the time the Vampire Kitten tried to frighten someone (and failed miserably!) and you could win one of 5 eStore exclusive Vampire Kitten codes!

Entries accepted from Friday, October 2 at 12:00 am EST until Sunday, October 4, 11:59 pm EST.


Stay tuned to Webkinz Newz to learn how you can get your very own Vampire Kitten!


37 Responses to Vampire Kitten Contest

  1. duckyd2 says:

    This is so exciting!! :D

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