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Vote for your Favorite Wallpaper & Flooring

Starts: 2019:06:21 00:00:00

Ends : 2019:06:23 23:59:59

One of our new fan-designed wallpaper and flooring combos will be sold at W Shop, one will be sold at Ganz eStore, and one will be given away as prizes in future events! Please list your favorite combos from the following choices:

  • Observatory
  • Ocean Overlook
  • Loft.

Please list your choices in order from 1 to 3,  with #1 being your first choice and #3 being your third choice.


357 Responses to Vote for your Favorite Wallpaper & Flooring

  1. DarthJohnisus2004 says:

    #1, Loft, #2, Ocean Overlook, #3, Observatory

  2. minty263 says:

    #1 The Loft #2 Ocean Overlook #3 Observatory

  3. buttercup292 says:

    #1 ocean overlook, #2 observatory, #3 Loft

  4. Bonus2Kinz says:

    #1 Observatory #2 Ocean Overlook #3 Loft

  5. pickledokra says:

    I voted yesterday my comment did not get posted #1 The Loft #2 Ocean Overlook #3 Observatory

  6. ilovewebbies says:

    I voted Friday and yesterday my comment still has not been posted. #1 The Loft #2 Ocean Overlook #3 Observatory

  7. sjw54 says:

    1 Loft, 2 Ocean Overlook, 3 observatory

  8. MITOCOOKIE says:

    1 Observatory, 2 Ocean Overlook 3. Loft

  9. IamMel says:

    1 Observatory, 2 Loft, 3 Ocean Overlook (preferably if it was more realistic)

  10. ebbe9443 says:


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