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White Lion Contest

Starts: 2019:04:01 00:00:00

Ends : 2019:05:01 06:00:00

Open to Webkinz World players residing in the USA and Canada (some exceptions apply).

Spring is officially here and it’s the White Lion’s favorite season! Tell us the top 10 things you like to do in spring to enter into a draw to win one of five virtual White Lion adoption codes (the Prize).

Limit of one entry per Webkinz Newz account.

Please use the contest entry form – do not leave the answers in the comments.

Note: Contest closes at 11:59 PM EST on April 30, 2019.

white lion contest

45 Responses to White Lion Contest

  1. C_4_Life says:

    for the past 5 months i keep trying to enter the POTM contests and everytime it tells me i get the verification question wrong when i know 110% the answer is correct.

  2. victoriahilton says:

    I would probably name it cloudy because it reminds me of clouds. I really hope I win because the White Lion is super cute and I would love to add this little guy to my collection. Whoever wins one of the codes, congratulations on winning! You totally deserve this cute addition!!

  3. Awesomet1ger says:

    I think I would name it White Spring. I would name it this because it loves spring and it’s white but I also think it would be a cute name for it and it would fit it well. I would also maybe make it a girl. ♥‿♥ I LOVE IT!!! I have never won one of these but out of the ones I entered this is my second favorite because the penguin was just too cute but it is kinda a tie they are both soooo cute! ♥‿♥ Good Luck to anyone entering!!!

  4. supersinger218 says:

    I think I would name him Rj, because he white like the alpca from bt21

  5. chanticleer3100 says:

    rly hope i win

  6. weeniesmom says:

    I would name him “Kimba” of course!

  7. fk28635 says:

    i think I mite win

  8. mommysgirl1980 says:

    i love lions so much so i wish luck to everyone entering!!! save the lions they are so pretty

  9. Steppenwolf says:

    This is one I hope I win. Lions are my favorite animals.

  10. Jungkookie0ppa says:

    After collecting and playing with webkinz for almost (i think) 6 or 7 years, I would hopefuly like to add a contest won webkinz to my virtual family. I would either pick the name Sol or Haze (its a kind of fog that covers my city sometimes). Good luck everyone! :D

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