A Call From Ms. Stripes


Hey everyone! Hailey here with some potentially exciting, potentially terrifying news: Ms. Stripes, the new teacher in town, contacted me this morning. Get this: she wants us to redecorate her house. She says it’s not exactly ‘stylish’ and that she wants to see what we can do. Elwin and I are up to the challenge, decorating-wise. But according to all the kids in her class, Ms. Stripes is really tough and strict. Will she be that way with her designers as well? Over the phone, she sounded nice enough…but we’ll be meeting face-to-face over the next few days. To be honest, I’m a little bit scared. We’ll see what happens!

23 Responses to A Call From Ms. Stripes

  1. cathouse2j3gnight2011 says:

    Ms. Stripes does not seem mean. In that Picture she looks nice. I hope Hailey and Elwin survive! LOL! >>cathouse2

  2. mycatGinger says:

    She looks nice. Just be as nice as you can to her and it will be fine. -mycatGinger

  3. starrynight says:

    I wonder if there’s a reason why she doesn’t like her class and acted so nice on the phone with Hailey…most people have a reason for why they’re so mean. But sometimes it’s not that case….. Mrs. Stripes is a mystery. ~starrynight (aka Utahhaileybug)

  4. ChicagoMadeRocks says:

    Wow Ms. Stripes doesn’t seem that bad! -ChicagoMadeRocks XD

  5. dogs5678 says:

    wow!! i can’t wait to see what hailey and elwin do to her house! i know it’ll look good. but hailey, ms stripes isn’t that nice to sparky and nibbles, so be careful.

  6. Chelsea315 says:

    Good luck,Hailey and Elwin…..u know how to get through to the ‘tough crowd’………. as i said before GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Chelsea315 (PS how is everyone at school doing!!!!!!!!)

  7. morningshine says:

    hey guys sorry i haven’t been on for a while……………….but im back!! oh Halley im sure shell be fine teachers are strict with kids becuase they want them to be smart and have a better learning besides were not even sure if mrs stripes will turn out to be a bad teacher!! im sure everthing will go right!~morningshine

  8. *InkJoy* AKA Lila says:

    Good!I happen to like firm teachers because when they smile its like you made their day!I had a firm teacher last year and on the first day I was so scared but by the end of the year I loved her! Not been on because of the internet problems(third time)!

  9. Topthat says:

    Hmmmm…. Considering what we’ve heard from the crew she isn’t very nice. But in the photo she looks way nicer.

  10. QuteCukie says:

    Wow! Mrs. Stripes Is pretty!

    • Mistyfoot says:

      Wow, you and Elwin will go great, you haven’t failed us yet. Try an old fashioned, but yet stylish look ~*Mistyfoot*~ River, Thunder

      • PandaOreo1 says:

        Haily and Eldwin are adults. Why would they listen to the kids? Just saying, because that’s not what most grownups do.

      • Chicago Made says:

        Yeah, I have a feeling that Hailey and Elwin will do an awesome job. I agree with @Mistyfoot – Try and do some old fashioned, but yet stylish look. I bet that’ll look awesome. and I think that Ms. Stripes shouldn’t be tough over decorating. Why would she get tough, if she contacted Hailey and Elwin to redecorate her house? Ⓒⓗⓘⓒⓐⓖⓞ☠ Ⓜⓐⓓⓔ✖

        • System Of A Down Chick....Yep says:

          @CM – IKR? And just like @Mistyfoot said, you should redecorate with an old fashioned look to it, but give it some style too. ;) -SOAD Chick PS – @CM – Will you trade with me today? :)

        • ChicagoMade'sFan says:

          @Chicago Made – I think everything should go OK. I mean, Ms. Stripes did contact Hailey for a reason, right? The reason: To redecorate her house. So, why should she get all tough over that? She shouldn’t. ;) -CMFan4Ever❤

          • ~*Green Zebra*~A.K.A solocup says:

            she looks nice some people who are really really really shy tend to act mean give her a chance!*’*'*green zebra out*’*'* :mrgreen: :roll: ;-)

        • Mistyfoot for Africa (still the same Mistyfoot) says:

          Thanks for agreeing with me, I just think that since she is strict and stuff to her students, she might be to Elwin and Hailey. ask her what she wants, and don’t be offended if she doesn’t like it. usually elder teachers want old fashioned things. Keep holding on. Ms. Stripes may be going through a tough time, bare with her please :) ~*Mistyfoot*~ River, Thunder

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