Alex’s Secret Santa



Hey everyone. I have a question for you: what would you do if you had a friend that you really, really liked and you wanted to get her something special for Christmas, but you didn’t want her to know that you really, really liked her? Someone I know is having that exact problem. He’s trying to figure out a nice (but not too over-the-top) present to get for a girl that he thinks is really awesome. My friend is super shy, so he isn’t sure how to tell the girl he likes how special he thinks she is.

OK fine. So the friend is me. It’s me. And I’m trying to figure out what to get for Molly. I think she’s so wonderful –she’s so smart and funny and pretty. I thought maybe I’d get her a hair clip, or some kind of pen…but those ideas sound pretty boring, right? Should I write her a poem? Maybe get her a box of chocolates? Forget the whole thing and just give her a candy cane?

I need help, friends. What should I do?

59 Responses to Alex’s Secret Santa

  1. hmmmgrl says:

    wait wait wait-you like molly? hmmmmmm never thought of that. are there any other mystery crushes on the kinz that we haven’t heard?

  2. DandieD says:

    You should make a home made gift. She will appreciate the time you took to make it. How about a charm bracelet? Every girl loves a charm bracelet. They’re pretty easy to make and every time she wears it, she will think of you.

  3. ppopl and 7s7k77e7s :) says:

    Don’t worry Alex tiger, I will help you! You could get her the secret recipe ball gown, and/ or the glass sliper recipe, and a crown! You could also make her a poem! oh oh oh! I KNOW! you could buy her a sea side star song, or ruby glasses! ;) :) (!)

  4. supersleuth says:

    Aw that’s so sweet!!!!!!!!!!!! I agree with some of the other people, something personalized would be perfect!

  5. ipod664 says:

    Aww, Alex! I’m a girl and if I wanted something, I would want a box of chocolate and a note that says “How do you get your hair so beautiful?” And then ask her the same question later on! It will blow Molly’s mind and that would be so romantic!
    :) ipod664

  6. Nerd Herd says:

    How sweet , maybe a neckalace .

  7. molly + Alex says:

    that is soooo sweet that alex likes molly! i personally think that a necklace or something that represents Molly’s personality would be great! but if Molly feels the same way about alex as alex feels about her she will love anything he gets her!

  8. 765alive says:

    awwwww!!!!! i think that its so cute you like molly. me being a girl, would really like to receive something mysterious. like a note that’s in code or something. or maybe get her something like a necklace. but i wouldn’t tell her out of the blue you like her.

  9. lovepuppygirl says:

    Oh how sweet Alex…maybe you could give her a pair of gloves or make gingerbread pig cookies.

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