Barred Owl Winners

Congratulations to Kallista, Annieka, Hannah, Chloe and Sam, our randomly selected winners! They’ve each been sent a Secret Code for a virtual Barred Owl, August’s Pet of the Month! We wanted to know your favorite Beach Activity and swimming got the most votes!

Adopt the Barred Owl any time in August to get a Pet of the Month loot bag, full of prizes and a surprise you can’t get anywhere else!

Poll results are not related to the winners. Winners are selected at random.

50 Responses to Barred Owl Winners

  1. madyson paradise- chole says:

    thanks guys and congrats to our other winners! i never won a contest like this before thanks

  2. cathouse2j3gnight2011 says:

    Congrats everybody! I hope you enjoy your new pet of the month! I really hope that I hear about the rockerz contest soon! >>cathouse2 :-)

  3. Rainbow Kitty says:

    Congrats winners! I hope you will enjoy your POM! I want to know about the Rockerz Contest though. And the lion or cow one too. Who will win? Lion…ROAR!!!…or Cow…MOO!!! ~§~Rainbow Kitty~§~

  4. Gabriella♥ says:

    Congrats to everyone that participated, winner or not! :mrgreen: ♥

  5. CoconutCloud says:

    Congrats winners. Enjoy your new Webkinz friend! :-D ~CC~

  6. cathouse2j3gnight2011 says:

    Congrats everybody! I hope you enjoy your new pet of the month! I really hope that I hear about the rockerz contest soon! >>cathouse2

  7. Strawberry Starburst says:

    Congrats guys! I hope u like your barred owl! -SS-

  8. Stealthstorm says:

    Congrats! I didn’t even know this was going on! :D ^..^ Meow! Stealthstorm

  9. Krystalkat says:

    Congrats guys! :D ~KK♥

  10. doglover says:

    congrads guys i hope you enjoy your barred owl!~doglover

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