Barred Owl Winners

Congratulations to Kallista, Annieka, Hannah, Chloe and Sam, our randomly selected winners! They’ve each been sent a Secret Code for a virtual Barred Owl, August’s Pet of the Month! We wanted to know your favorite Beach Activity and swimming got the most votes!

Adopt the Barred Owl any time in August to get a Pet of the Month loot bag, full of prizes and a surprise you can’t get anywhere else!

Poll results are not related to the winners. Winners are selected at random.

50 Responses to Barred Owl Winners

  1. bearyjuice says:

    where do i go to find my code?

  2. pskayser says:

    I tried to enter this contest AND I did put swimming as my first. Congrats to the winners though :)

  3. kykyaug00 says:

    i didnt win but thats ok congrats to the winers enjoy you pets!

  4. nikitha says:

    I lost. Oh well, it was my first contest. Congrats to the winners! Hope u guys liked your owls.

  5. penguingirl145 says:

    I don’t usually enter contests on webkinz the barred owl is cute but I didn’t the plush version. But anyway congrats to all the winners!!!:) Enjoy ur prize!!!! Ganz u rock!!!!!

  6. rockinmm says:

    Congratulations! Enjoy the pet of the month! If you didn’t win, try for the next contest!

  7. HrsGrl10 says:

    Congrats to the Winners! I SO Want a Barred Owl! It is SO CUTE! :)

    • Webkinzlova223 says:

      HrsGrl10: I got one on July but did not adopt it ’till August 1st! And the loot bag was AWESOME! Thank you ,Barry! (The barred owl’s name) BTW He IS very cute and his W is under his wing! I especially <3 the fur on his belly! it gray and white with a bit of yellow! So if you get it this august let me tell you how AWESOME and CUTE he is! Hope I helped describing him! You should get it! ( Oh and anybody who gets a Barred Owl PLEASE don't copy Barry and put it as your own because this name was original) =D

  8. lovebugs131 says:

    I really wish i could enter

  9. Girly Girl 1 says:

    Where is the rockers one it was supposed to be anounced today. SO CONFUSED !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Forever Girly Girl 1 <3

  10. Kelsey says:

    I’ve done Webkinz contest’s since I was 5 and I have never won

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