Barred Owl Winners

Congratulations to Kallista, Annieka, Hannah, Chloe and Sam, our randomly selected winners! They’ve each been sent a Secret Code for a virtual Barred Owl, August’s Pet of the Month! We wanted to know your favorite Beach Activity and swimming got the most votes!

Adopt the Barred Owl any time in August to get a Pet of the Month loot bag, full of prizes and a surprise you can’t get anywhere else!

Poll results are not related to the winners. Winners are selected at random.

50 Responses to Barred Owl Winners

  1. WebkinzIzAwesome says:


  2. Chloe says:

    Yes! I won I WON I WON I WON I WON!!!!! Too bad for the one for lost! My barred owl!!!!!!!!!

  3. Ashlynn says:

    great job guys

  4. lily says:

    yeah thanks:( i was winning it 4 my sisters birthday 4 her but u got it so hear it is katiedove12345 and katiedove123

  5. banana6225 says:

    Congrats! I was bummed when I found out I didnt win, but 2 days later I ordered a Barred owl and now I have one:)

  6. WebkinzSuperFan! says:

    Does anyone know when they will annouce the Rockerz Petz winners? I know it’s being judged, but I really want to know! It took me hours and I think I have a shot at winning!

    • Webkinzlova223 says:

      Your story took hours, But mine took days. Literally. I saw about the contest and I was so thrilled so I thought and thought about what I should write about when a GREAT idea popped to my head. Then it took me almost 2 weeks to write the story…. and I wrote it in my head! Then I sat down to write it. And I think I did a pretty good job too! by the time I had finished writing it was already late and it was dark outside. So I think I should get a shot at winning. We ALL should! =D

  7. Anna says:

    congrats at winning the contest!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. lovepuppygirl says:

    Have fun playing with you new owl!!!!!

  9. KittieKatLove says:

    CONGRATES EVERYONE WHO ENTERED!!!!! I wish I could’ve won, but it was my first contest, and I don’t have much luck…

  10. evelyn says:

    Have it! already enterd its code now great job to all who enterd!:)

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