Blue Chick Contest

Open to Webkinz World players residing in the USA and Canada (some exceptions apply).

Is blue your favorite color? Do you love it enough to write a poem dedicated to the color? If you do, send it to us! Keep your poems to under 1000 characters and you could win one of 5 eStore exclusive Blue Chick virtual pets (the “Prize”) .

Contest opens this weekend. Check theĀ Contests page for more details.

172 Responses to Blue Chick Contest

  1. monkeydo12345 says:

    Post on my poem!!!!!!!

  2. monkeydo12345 says:

    Dear sophia, monkeydo12345 and me are the same people just me is logged out ,monkeydo12345 is logged in.

  3. monkeydo12345 says:

    This is my practice poem. Post on it if possible.

    Blue, blue. Blue is not new, but its the color i love, of a beautiful dove.

  4. sophia says:


  5. Me says:

    Blue, blue. Blue is not new, but its the color we love, the color of a beautiful dove.

    This is my practice poem tell me if you like it!

  6. pet2get says:

    blue blue blue every where on the sweet smelling flowers and up in the sky. how it looks so preety all around us. Blue is on singing bird and on markers alot how blue look so good on YOU!

  7. jade50000 says:

    blue,blue,blue,is great blue i love it is oh so great blue blue blue how i wonder about you,from the sky to the seas and tons of other things,blue,blue blue,i love you.

  8. Sky says:

    I soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo want to win this contest!! >.< It's so adoreble!!

  9. chicks r cute! says:

    blue,blue everywhere i see blue.The ocean is blue, the sky is blue.there are bule bikes,cars,skateboardsand so much more!In the world there are so many items that are blue that we need and use in our everyday lives like blue school books!If we didn’t have blue the world would be oh so blue and werid looking!

  10. chickade says:

    BLUE WONDERUL BLUE!blue is the color of the sky,flowers and so much more.people love blue for so many reasons like it looks good on them when they wear it on their has so many shade

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